i hate my fucking body. i hate how overweight i am and how fucking lazy i am. i fucking hate my face, i look like a minefield. i hate how much of a wimp i am. everything about me, i should fucking kill myself
Gay Furry Teen, luv my bf, German, idfk whar else lmfao
Male, werewolf
Being gay
Im not telling u lmao
Your dads bedroom
Joined on 3/8/24
Mmh, that's some really positive perspective...
First off don't kill yourself. Sometimes people need to just vent and aren't actually looking for suggestions but let me know if you'd like suggestions for exercise and/or diet, or to talk about what your current diet is, or anything like that. Do you live in a place where you can go out and take walks? Do you have headphones and a device where you could listen to podcasts or music while you walk?
It doesn’t start with self-loathing nor does it start with buying a gym membership or something. Find a step up from what you’re doing now and get comfortable with that first, then incrementally go from there until you can make bigger and bigger changes to lifestyle and diet. Bodies are also complicated, so you have to love yourself before you can make change.
youre not overweight or lazy or ugly or a wimp,, and even if you were any of those things,, theyre all perfectly normal parts of human nature!! we aint bees or ants,, we built to just laze around for a lot of the day, like literally thats what your genetics have designed you for!! youre not a wimp,, you have common sense and youre gonna thank yourself for it when youre 20 and healthy while all your friends are in rehab or whatever!! n youre not ugly or overweight,, youre hot as Fuck,, and even if you was overweight or ugly or whateva its means nothin cause youre a kind and funny and interesting and lovable sweetheart and no one gives af abt ur appearance!! dont kys or ill kill u. ? love u gang
i love you more babe
Welp... time to hit the Gym lardass.