rating pillar chase 2 monsters on attractiveness
Posted by BugsAjax - August 4th, 2024
vapor - 3/10 (no comment)
rosemary - 0/10 (im gay, way too femme for me)
ao oni - 10/10 (the reason i started playing pc2)
fogborn - 6/10 (tall with big mouth)
EXE - 6/10 (tall with big mouth 2)
baldi - 8/10 (i wanna slap his bald head)
Uncle samsonite - 9/10 (i would ride it / jump on it /ref)
Springtrap - 7/10 (no comment)
MX - 0/10 (grudges....)
forest king - 0/10 (im gay, way to femme)
WYST - 2/10 (pacmans weird cousin)
Niloticus - 3/10 (literaly a lizzard)
Vita mimic - 5/10 (meat twink)
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